Mission Briefing - Early bird tickets to the Northern Lights, loads of new games in the pipeline and limited private hires now available

That's right, our early bird discounted tickets for the Northern Lights expire at midnight tonight. Grab em before they're gone for our next pop up arcade on March 21st, 22nd and 23rd at this fantastic new venue. Tickets are £12 for adults and £6 for kids and remember no coins are required, our games are all set to free play.

More games for the masses! Faster! Better!

Our arcade workshop is now fully operational! In fact we managed to end to end create a Double Dragon cabinet in just 8 hours this weekend. What does this mean? A lot more great games on the floor for you good folks with 11 already in the pipeline for future events. About 8 months of hard work on this is really starting to pay off.

Our early bird tickets for our next retro arcade pop up at the Northern Lights on March 21st, 22nd and 23rd end at midnight tonight, grab em before they're gone!

Limited Private Hires Are Now Available

If you're thinking about that big birthday party, a work event or anything else we can now facilitate private hires of the arcade at the Northern Lights in March, April and May from 4pm on dates when it's free. We can also supply food for your party on request. Make an enquiry here

Catch you all in this exciting new venue in a couple of weeks.
